Invoice Finance - A reliable alternative to the traditional bank overdraft…
The Bank of England has recently reported that smaller businesses were saying that “they were unable to obtain credit at any cost and were seeing overdrafts withdrawn”.
At, as business owners ourselves, we know that you want to be able to focus on developing your business. To do that you need to be free from the concern that funding could be withdrawn or fundamentally changed at little or no notice and for no apparent reason.
Entering into a invoice finance arrangement with the right lender can provide certainty, and flexibility to allow your business to grow - and free your time to allow you to manage that growth…
An Invoice Finance company will:
Commit to a fixed period for the agreement
Advance up to 90% of the value of invoices within 24 hours, depending on circumstances
Offer credit control and sales ledger management assistance, leaving you time to run your business
Offer bad debt protection
Offer other benefits, such as a fuel card providing discounted fuel
Follow this link to see how one business was able to improve its position substantially.
Why not call us for a no-charge,
no-obligation chat about the options that are available and how these can help your business progress?
Ian Jones (Head of Business Development) on 0161 438 8555 or 07801 858737, or
Stephen Devonport (Business Development Manager) on 0161 438 8555
email us at
Follow @FactoringandID
Solutions provided by these and other partners: - -
Areas of the UK covered include, Manchester, London, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, Sheffield, Stoke, Bristol, Southampton, Preston, Hull, Bradford, York, Bolton, Stockport, Newcastle, Sunderland, Bath, Norwich, Reading, Telford, Ipswich, Southend, Chester, Brighton, Salford, Leicester